Friday, June 27, 2008


Resolving issues!

Bit of a blog out of the blue! Do you ever leave something or somewhere, and you're aware that there's unresolved issues? Andrew was doing school assemblies this morning, and he used the word END, and MEND, SPEND, FRIENDS and ASCEND.

And the connection? Well, he was telling them about mending broken friendships before they leave for the summer. There's someone I've met recently, and clearly I've upset this person in some way, but I don't know what I've done. I have no idea, but the person walks past me, and 'blanks' me, if you know what I mean. Do you ever get that? It's really frustrating, cos how do you bring it up when they haven't said anything? I think the worst thing is moving away, or leaving something and knowing you've left a relationship/friendship broken, a conversation you should have had, and you know you won't now, it's too late, or you'll never see that person again. So, I guess if you're reading this, please be encouraged to go and speak to that person.

Hopefully at some point I'll try the photo thing that my friend Louise has done on her blog. It's very clever.

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