Sunday, February 04, 2007


Where is home?

This has to be one of the hardest times in Salvation Army officership!! You know: forget the funerals, the difficult pastoral situations, the big annual events, like Christmas. NO, this week is the worst- waiting for that letter to land on the door mat on Thursday morning. I just wish they could do this another way, but I don't know how. I just seems so cruel, for so many people to know our future, but we don't!

A few weeks ago, it wasn't so nerve-wracking. Andrew was chairing our corps council, and planning for Christmas. Half the people on the corps council knew we wouldn't be at Pill by Christmas, but half didn't, so it was quite fun.

But, now I just want to know where we'll be by Christmas. God has been very gracious, and really helped me with peace and patience over the past week or so, but it's waining a bit now, so if you're reading this, please pray that I will concentrate on the next 3 days, and use them wisely!

Oh, and Wednesday's my birthday, which I keep forgetting about, because Thursday seems so much more important, but then I suppose it's not every day you turn 27, and realise you're really getting into your late 20s, is it?

Anyway, back to the title of this blog- where is home? My answer is:'home is where your stuff is'. You see, I never get used to this moving thing. Even though I've lived in...18 (I think) houses in my life, it still doesn't get any easier. I laughed yesterday when I heard an Officers' Kid saying he came from 'lots of places, but most recently, London'. I never have an answer for people when they ask me where I come from!

So, we wait patiently for the letter to arrive.

Today's theme song:

I'm in his hands,
Whate'er the future holds,
I'm in his hands.
The days I cannot see
Have all been planned for me
His way is best, you see,
I'm in his hands.

And as for whether being in the Army's hands is the same as being in God's hands, I have to believe it is. There is no other possibility. If we start to wonder whether some decisions are made without God's direction, then we lose faith in our leaders, so I have to believe that wherever the letter tells us we're going, it's God's will. Please pray for us as we wait.

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Thinking off you. I always remember you being gutted at being stuck with us a Gorgeee as you called it. Though it was great to have you after so long with grown up officer kids lol. Try to enjoy your birthday. I'm in my last year of my 20's and keep wondering where time's gone.
Happy Birthday Hope you have a good day.
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