Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Officership- every day's different!!

Was in a conversation at lunch time with Lucy and Amy, our youth ward sergeant and her assistant, who are each at various stages of thinking about officership.

Amy asked me something along the lines of 'do you enjoy being an officer?' and I said something like, 'well yeah, and there's always those days when you get up and you think you know what's going to happen and it looks really different.'

I said this because yesterday I got up expecting to be going to the AFM Rally in a minibus, but, due to the minibus failing to start, Andrew ended up going to the AFM Rally, taking some of our home league members in the car. Also, after I popped out in the car last night to the co-op, there was a funny noise to the car and an even funnier smell! This resulted, eventually, in the car going to the garage, and us having a hire car for 2 days!

Hmm, so yeah every day's different.

And today?

Well, we went down to home league as usual, but, before we started, 2 men appeared; one of them had just moved to the village and was looking for food, clothes, furniture etc!! The next half an hour was then spent, not singing lovely songs with the home league as expected, but in the loft, on the phone, in the charity shop and food shop, starting to meet some of their needs.

Matthew 25:40 came to mind. 3 years ago (in a couple of weeks) I signed my officers' covenant:


to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
as an officer of The Salvation Army

to love and serve him supremely all my days,

to live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of my life,

to care for the poor, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, love the unlovable, and befriend those who have no friends,

to maintain the doctrines and principles of The Salvation Army, and, by God's grace to prove myself a worthy officer.

Those highlighted words are ones I don't really find myself doing very often, but I thank God for sending them to me today.

Let's see what tomorrow brings, shall we? I've got a few things in my diary, but I wonder what God's got in his!?

i love how even by just putting on a uniform it opens the doors to loving people in Jesus name. I love how we can get paid to do it as officers! What a privilege! Im a soldier atm but will be an officer one day, just waiting on Gods timing!
you don't blog very often dear :)
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