Thursday, December 27, 2007



Well, all the carolling's over for another year, the turkey sandwiches are the staple diet for a few days, the sitting room floor has emerged from under the wrapped toys (since they take up a lot less space out of the boxes), the tree is still up for a few days yet, there's piles of chocolates and biscuits in the dining room, Ben's eventually dragged himself away from his new ds to build some lego with grandad, Ceitidh's exploring all her toys, and is currently hoovering, and looking after her dolly, and it's nearly time for the reflections on the year. Photos to follow, I promise. But first some reflections on December. As our first year in Wick, I've felt like we're going from one event to the next, ticking them off on the list, and breathing a sigh of relief when something's finished and worked out ok. Carolling in Tesco was a big highlight, especially with the kids choir in the afternoon, and the staff were really helpful and encouraging (and we raised a bit of money too). The hall was packed for the corps carol service last Sunday, with kids and mums and dads. See Andrew's blog for one comment on the evening from one of our soldiers! A few weeks ago, we travelled 40 miles south to lead a carol service in Helmsdale for the women's guild. They seemed to think it was amazing, the highlight of their Christmas (they don't get out much, bless them!) Christmas day carolling at the hospital was lovely, from the older folks who couldn't get home, to the new born babies up in the maternity ward. That was very sad, though. One little baby lost his mother an hour after he was born, the post-mortem is still going through yet, and another little baby is the nephew of Dale, the 11 year old we buried a few weeks ago. Dale would have loved Christmas, especially the kids choir carolling, and the horse riding Christmas presentation. So there were a few tears shed on Tuesday morning. Ceitidh has been great to watch the last few days. She still hasn't opened all her presents, cos she wants to play with everything as she opens it.

Well, that's a bit of a run-down. Will put some photos up soon.

Is your house looking like toys r us like our house is. Glad it's been a good time albeit some sad times. Here's to another good year in Wick for you all. All the best for 2008 Lxx
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