Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The Government, etc!

Well, I can't say I've ever watched the Parliament channel before, but I did last night, to see the final decision on the abortion bill. I was sad as I watched them vote for no change in the law. But, I was more sad, and sat crying, when I heard a mid-wife speaking on the radio this lunch-time. Warning, don't read further if it's likely to upset you, but if it's more likely to provoke righteous anger, then please do read.

She was speaking about how the hardest part of her job is seeing a late abortion, within the 20+ week stage, and she sees the baby being born, sometimes a living, breathing baby, and then can do nothing for it. Sometimes they live for 3 hours or so, and they place them in a room, in a basket. The radio presenter asked her what size the baby was: ' a finger, a hand..?' The mid-wife replied along these lines- 'No, bigger than that, a baby, very small, with fully-formed fingernails...breathing, not how we breathe, but breathing'. AND THEY CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!!

The mother then has to go to the registry office to register a birth and a death. It took me a little bit of 'trawling' the internet just now to find this, from the website of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists:

'In the event of a child being born which shows signs of life but subsequently dies, both the birth and death need to be registered, irrespective of the gestation period of the child, and the Registrar will then issue a form to allow the funeral to proceed.'

And the woman thought it was a simple thing? The mid-wife speaking said it was a very difficult situation, to be in a profession aiming at saving, and protecting lives, not allowing babies to die. Clearly, late abortions are rare, but they happen.


We're getting somewhere with the packing now. It's really not long til we move, and we're away for most of July too. It's difficult trying to talk to people about it. I think for me it's a lot to do with stepping out of my comfort zone. The model of corps officership we have here in Wick is pretty similar to what i saw growing up, and i guess what I signed up for, in a way. But we sense God is calling us to something very different, and we're looking forward to it.


The other issue on the lunch-time news, was this

Good on him, I say. And, he was getting some support from the listeners too!


Just realised the time. Band practice soon. Will blog another time.

I'm very sad for all those babies too. I can understand a medical termination as i wouldn't want to carry a child until 9 months who was not compatible with life only to loose them. But at 20 weeks you can usually feel you baby kicking and starting to move and it becomes a reality. 24 weeks is just too late, thats a 6 month pregnancy.

LOL at the tearing down of a playboy display, so well done. The brand is foul and there is no need to keep marketing it to 7 year old girls. Eilidh will never be allowed anything from that brand. It took her long enough to get a Bratz doll.
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